What we write: Lars de Graaff

The Netherlands experienced multiple drought events in a short period of time. Improving the sponge capacity of the Dutch water system can mitigate the negative consequences of these events. Different projects focus on local measures to improve the regional sponge capacity. However, the impacts of local measures on a regional scale are difficult to predict and do not always have the desired outcome. In a short essay for the Dutch Hydrological Association Lars de Graaff (IVM – VU Amsterdam) and Melle Nikkels (Aequator) discuss eight challenges to quantify impacts within three categories: local context, water system context and collaboration with landowners. Read the essay here: https://www.nhv.nu/stroming/nieuws/stromingen-20231-essay-nikkels/

Within the Upscaling Local Water Storage (UPWAS) project we include these challenges in our research.